Try These

  • LOW BLOOD PRESSURE persons try drinking one or two glasses of Shreejal daily and see the result.
  • To LOSE WEIGHT, try drinking one glass Shreejal 15 minutes BEFORE every meal & see the reduction in weight.
  • To INCREASE WEIGHT, try drinking one glass Shreejal AFTER every meal & see the increase in weight.
  • Give Shreejal revery one hour to persons with burn injuries, see burning / itching sensation reduced & injuries fast recovering.
  • To Detoxify, Moisturize, Hydrate, try applying directly on the skin and see.
  • If you are exhausted, tired, of fell weak, or drowsy, drink one glass Shreejal; you will see fell rejuvenated.
  • For urinary tract burning sentation, try one glass Shreejal every two hours, see burning sensation gone or greatly reduced.
  • To smooth sunburns, try adding to bath water and see the soothing.
  • To reduce breakage & loose of hair, try applying to hair, massage & leave for about an hour & see the difference.
  • In case of vomiting, try one glass Shreejal every two hours, and see the difference.